Adaptable learning in an adaptable franchise

The last three years have highlighted the unlimited value that technology brings to the way in which we live our lives.

Adaptable learning in an adaptable franchise

The last three years have highlighted the unlimited value that technology brings to the way in which we live our lives. The world is no longer quite as ‘linear’ as it once was, with adaptability and flexibility being two buzzwords that are almost impossible to escape in our professional and personal lives. And with us all being forced to adapt to the concept of ‘hybrid’ work and study, students’ education experiences have never looked as diverse. Here, Frank Milner, the global President of Tutor Doctor, discusses the value of championing adaptability in a franchise that refuses to stand still. 

Education provision is, as it always has been, a world filled with creativity and ideas from passionate experts who want to do nothing but inspire the next generation of leaders. But with the focus arguably stuck on ‘closing the gap’ and ‘catching-up on what’s been lost’, the mainstream education industry has been forced to aim for benchmarks instead of nurturing students as they smash through their own glass ceilings. The concept of adaptability in yesteryear was, arguably, not championed as much as it is today, and it’s adaptability and creativity within education franchises that will level the playing field and help students rediscover their love of learning in all formats. 

As the mainstream education industry continues to entertain the idea that a one-size-fits-all approach to learning is no longer sustainable, we’re realising just how important it is to be able to adapt to the individual needs of each and every student and their individual preferences. Whether it’s through traditional formats such as books and classrooms, or nurturing autonomy through an online medium, education franchises have the benefit of being able to tap into what truly motivates students when absorbing information. 

However, research has shown that the pandemic had a greater impact on disadvantaged students. Before the pandemic, there was already an attainment gap which saw disadvantaged students lagging behind their peers in both reading and maths. The Education Endowment Fund reports that this gap widened over the pandemic, with primary students who are eligible for free school meals falling about one month further behind in maths than their peers in 2020 alone. The study also found that by the end of the summer term 2021 and with the return to in-person learning, the widened maths attainment gap had not narrowed, which means disadvantaged students are unlikely to catch up without additional support and interventions. 

This highlights the inherent need for supplementary education providers to become that all important ‘hub’ where students from all backgrounds are given the freedom to flourish. Tutor Doctor is built on the foundation of not only being accessible, but adaptable to suit anyone in need. Proudly, 2022 saw our entire franchise network undertake more social responsibility by opening their doors in more formats. As education has evolved, so have we. Tutor Doctor isn’t simply a one-to-one, bespoke tutoring franchise, it’s where passionate education specialists-turned-philanthropists come to deliver high quality education to suit the needs of their communities. 

From delivering free ESL lessons to Ukrainian refugees to partnering with SEND charities, our franchisees are continuing to take on more responsibilities, often for free, simply for the good of their neighbours. It’s vital that, as an education franchise, we practice what we preach and understand that franchising, equally, is not a one-size-fits-all industry. We all have different motivations for going into business, and it’s the responsibility of the franchisor to nurture what makes devoted and passionate franchisees ‘tick’ – just as it’s the responsibility of educators and tutors to do the same for students. 

As we look ahead to 2023 and beyond, it’s impossible to know exactly what mainstream education will look like. But it’s through franchising that we’re afforded the unique opportunity to learn and adapt. As an international network, we’re driven by the notion of being able to make our model work for every student in need. And as education franchises continue to use their platforms to adapt to the ever-changing environments that students learn in, we know that children from all backgrounds will still be offered the chance to reach their full potential. 

Frank Milner
Frank Milner