Choosing a franchise over going it alone

In 2021, former Managing Director for HSBC's Global Head of Markets Operations Andrew De Groot was faced with an ultimatum midway through the pandemic when the business was restructured

Choosing a franchise over going it alone

In 2021, former Managing Director for HSBC’s Global Head of Markets Operations Andrew De Groot was faced with an ultimatum midway through the pandemic when the business was restructured – to apply for a role which would have consisted of being responsible for 9,000 people or to leave the company with a sum of money he could use to create a new career path. Here he tells us why he is delighted with the outcome of starting a new career and selecting a franchise over going it alone.

As you delve into the world of franchising, you’ll hear more than once how franchising is being in business for yourself but not by yourself. So, even if you have an entrepreneurial flair and the skills to start and run your own business, there’s still an important question to ask yourself: do I enjoy working on my own and would I benefit from having access to a network of likeminded people while I launch and grow my business?

Here’s my top three benefits of joining a franchise brand:

1. A proven business model to replicate – a model that continuously innovates to remain a market leader that’s been tried and tested for many years

2. Ongoing advice on marketing to win clients – a network of franchise partners to share their most successful routes to market and how to retain clients in the long-term

3. Continuing professional development support – so you become the best in your field and remain the trusted supplier.

A final driver to choosing a franchise over starting out on my own was my desire to maximise my chances of financial success as quickly as possible. I have personal and family commitments which would have drained my redundancy payout should I not have created an income from my business within a reasonable time. Having chosen franchising as my route, getting to know ActionCOACH and their culture made my decision to invest a no-brainer.

Banking on the benefits of a franchise

Andrew was awarded his Exeter-based ActionCOACH franchise in September 2021 and, since then, has secured the opportunity to expand into a further four exclusive territories.

“The reality is I’ve been training to become a business coach… I just never knew it. Looking at my career journey – working for one-man bands to leadership roles with household brands – I’ve been growing businesses and teams my entire professional life.”

Investing in a brighter future

“Since my training with ActionCOACH began, I’ve significantly extended my business acumen and coaching capability. I assumed because I excelled in my corporate positions across so many disciplines, business coaching would come naturally to me, but I soon came to realise I had underestimated how much I still had left to learn and how much hard work and dedication it takes to be a world-class coach.”

For Andrew, there are two parts to the encouragement ActionCOACH provides its clients and franchise partners – self-development and community. It is with this two-fold one-to-one support that Andrew acquired 13 clients in his first year as a franchise partner.

“The support I’ve received has been truly outstanding. You’re coached yourself every week, meaning you have first-hand experience of how much coaching can benefit a business owner, as well as a true understanding of the logistics of the sessions. ActionCOACH has created such a powerful community that helps me and other coaches to grow. I feel a part of the wider UK business community with access to global thought leadership – both through inspirational examples and business connections.”

Increasing the rate of success

As well as his career, Andrew’s home life has also been transformed, “After racking up half a million air miles, I decided it was time for me to come back to my family. The pandemic gave me a taster of what life could be like if I had a better work-life balance. I knew it was time for a new career venture that would allow me to help others grow, whilst simultaneously growing closer to my family.

“I plan to employ a dozen business coaches across my territories so I can make a difference to as many people as possible. As a marketplace goal, I have high ambitions to make 25 millionaires in Devon and Cornwall. Although these targets may seem adventurous, I know with my newly extended skillset and the support from ActionCOACH, I will be able to achieve them.”

For more information about finding fulfilment through growing businesses and changing people’s lives like Andrew, Click here for more information.

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