Could 2023 be the best year yet?

Dorian Gonsalves reflects on how franchise support will be the key to success for business owners over the next 12 months.

Could 2023 be the best year yet?

Dorian Gonsalves reflects on how franchise support will be the key to success for business owners over the next 12 months.

As the year draws to a close, business owners everywhere will no doubt be attempting the impossible and trying to predict what 2023 will bring. The aim of this task is to try and dig deep and develop more control over situations, thereby creating a competitive edge that will see them through extremely challenging times. Although it is always good to plan for different eventualities, I think one of the things we have all learned from the events of the past couple of years it is the fact that none of us can predict what might happen in our lives and businesses in the next 12 months. The fallout from the pandemic, an ongoing war in Ukraine and unprecedented levels of political turmoil in this country are just some examples that spring to mind.

However, one thing that remains a constant and that gives me cause for optimism, is the fact that the franchise business model remains very strong. Whatever happens in the New Year, franchisees are going to be in a stronger position to withstand challenges than their independent competitors. One of the reasons for this is the amount of support that is afforded to them by their franchisors, as well as having access to the shared knowledge that is generated from other business owners operating from within the same brand. Within the Belvoir Group our Franchise Support team is constantly looking at new ideas that might benefit our franchisees and their businesses. In December the team is planning to host an innovative series of roadshows for franchisees, which have been given the title: “2023, The Best Year Yet?”

The roadshow is the brainchild of our Franchise Director Ian Maclean, who is planning several free events for franchisees to attend at different locations throughout the UK.

“The Franchise Support Team originally thought of running these events in January, to help create some excitement for the year ahead, but then we considered the fact that December can often be a quieter month and our franchisees might have more time to look at their businesses in detail and reflect on some new ideas,” he says. “Several members of the Belvoir Group’s Franchise Support team, who are all experts in their own field, will be attending the roadshows and sharing a huge number of new ideas in different areas such as business development, training and acquisition opportunities etc.

“What is exciting is the fact that many of these ideas have actually come from the franchisees themselves. The team has been collecting these ideas from our quarterly Belvoir Network Group meetings, which are held at regular intervals throughout the year.

“The aim of the roadshow is to allow the team to get out and about and meet up with franchisees from all over the UK so they can share ideas, tips and motivational advice that will help to equip them with everything they need to know to make them the number one agent in their area. We want to give our franchisees every chance of making 2023 their best year yet.

“These events are free for our franchisees to attend, and will include lunch, and of course plenty of networking opportunities so that everyone can share their ideas and talk about any issues that might arise throughout the day. A roadshow of this type is a fantastic opportunity for franchisees to find out first-hand from the owners of some of our top performing offices exactly what they are doing that is consistently making them the best in the network. By listening to their incredibly useful tricks of the trade and drawing on advice that has been generated from real life scenarios, our franchisees can feel empowered to overcome any challenges that might arise in 2023.

“It is very reassuring for a franchisee to know that they constantly have the support of their Central Office team and franchisees within their chosen network. Choose your franchise wisely, as the support that is offered by the franchisor will be a key element to success and will make a massive difference to how your business performs.”

Dorian Gonsalves
Dorian Gonsalves