Why franchising is the best-kept secret to a joyful July

Discover how taking on franchisees could help you to step out of your business for a whole month over summer.

Why franchising is the best-kept secret to a joyful July

Childcare challenges, a slump in sales and productivity, or the lingering effects of burnout… Traditional business models can make summer especially challenging for entrepreneurs. If you routinely find yourself surviving rather than thriving in July, franchising could offer you the freedom to travel, a consistent income and a way of restoring critically low energy.

Here, Cheryl White, founder of the Mercury Franchise School Ltd, reveals how she has reclaimed her summers by franchising her business:

Franchising is a proven way to run your business without being in your business. Once you have recruited franchisees to operate at locations of your choosing, you are free – to a large extent – to step back and allow them to take up the reins. A franchisee who has been empowered with an operating manual, excellent training and a named contact in your support team should not require direct line management from you (although, of course, you may choose to personally recognise and reward their excellence, or steady the ship in an emergency). Without the weight of responsibility that comes from ongoing people management, you are free to focus on designing a summer that meets your personal and family needs – and much less likely to be firefighting from a sun lounger!

Summer, in many sectors, can herald a slump in revenue. Sales may slow down or stop altogether, as consumers press the ‘pause’ button on bigger purchases. Working parents who have nursery or school-aged children may be distracted by childcare challenges, or the battle to occupy young minds. When the sun is shining, people want to be outdoors. They are also more likely to set down their smartphones and turn off the TV, which reduces their exposure to the temptation of an impulse spend. For franchisors, however, a steady stream of royalty fees can be a financial lifeline. Whatever the season, whatever the weather, you are guaranteed to receive an income from those who have chosen to invest in your franchise opportunity. Without the pressure to ‘sell, sell, sell’ over summer, you can feel truly present for those special moments that make for a lifetime of memories.

Traditional business models can necessitate you operating from one fixed location. You may feel obligated to live close to a headquarters or other business premises – to be a fixture behind the CEO desk with a fully booked diary of meetings. Most of the year, that may be palatable; however, at summer, it can feel oppressive. You may wish you could go off travelling for a whole month, but feel trapped by the setup of your business. That’s why franchising is a freedom passport. With franchisees taking care of business for you, there is no need for you to be present in a centralised location. The world suddenly feels more open. Any strategic business you do need to conduct can most likely be done on a smartphone or via web-based applications such as Zoom or Teams. You can have a breakfast meeting as the sun comes up, then spend the rest of your day truly at leisure in your dream destination.

As a franchisor, at some stage, you are likely to want to grow your business. The opportunity to onboard new franchisees, increase your income from royalty fees and expand your footprint may feel exciting! While you have freed yourself from the burden of people management, the time and effort required to develop an elite franchise still ultimately rests on your shoulders. That is why you must consciously make time to rest and relax, as well as to spend time with friends and family. Enjoying a summer of self-care is the secret to returning refreshed and rejuvenated in September – ready to take your franchise brand to the next level.

Now is the time to commit to taking the necessary steps to move to a franchise model and start futureproofing the summer 2024 of your dreams. If you have turned a profit in the past 12 months and have a replicable, scalable business, you could bring on your first few franchisees over the coming months – ready to step fully into the joys of next July.

Cheryl White
Cheryl White