Will home comforts wreak havoc with your new business?

Franchisees in almost every industry are now able to launch their franchises from the comfort of their own homes. But what does franchising from home actually entail, and how will it impact the success of a new business?

Will home comforts wreak havoc with your new business?

In a recent survey, work-from-home adults stated that while their newly struck work-life balance was the greatest positive, limiting collaboration between teams was the most negative side effect1. As with any business decision there are two sides to the coin. Here, Frank Milner, President of Tutor Doctor, discusses what to consider before committing to solely operating your franchise from home.

Independence and autonomy

In almost every scenario, people tend to benefit greatly from a sense of independence, and working from home is no exception. Whether you’re familiar with business ownership or not, home working has a knack of forcing you into ‘decision-making’ mode. Over time, this can help to build your confidence and bring with it a self-assured level of autonomy. However, tread lightly. Practicing discipline is incredibly important, as deviating too far from your franchise’s collective mission and goals will be detrimental to success. A franchise is only as strong as its franchisees, so remember that while independence can work, the ‘bigger picture’ should always encapsulate a franchise network’s collective attitude and ethos.


At the best of times, it can be all too tempting to “just watch five more minutes” or “just go and put another load of washing on” – after all, we’re only human! Being a franchisee often requires a rigorous work structure, especially at the beginning of the franchise journey. Before you commit to working from solely from home, consider what you need to do to continue producing the same results as you would in an office environment.

Creating the perfect workspace

Working from home enables you to create the working environment suited to your exact needs, from having access to your favourite mug to investing in the perfect computer set-up. However, in all the excitement, it can be easy to go all-guns-blazing and lose sight of the purpose of the space. It is vital that a work-from-home set-up is carefully thought out and kept deliberately separate from your living space. While a well-equipped home office is great for building a professionally run franchise, you do not want to give your whole home to your business!

Avoiding isolation

One of the most talked about consequences to the average homeworker is the feeling of being isolated. As a franchisee you must take advantage of the best of what the industry has to offer – being a part of a network that shares goals, thoughts and ideas – regardless of where your base of operations is. Franchising, but its very nature, is a collaborative and social business format. Representing and practicing these fundamentals will keep you close to developments in your sector and stop you from stagnating as a franchise owner. Practically, this means engaging with your franchisor and franchisees through regional meetings, annual conferences and the ongoing training and networking opportunities provided for you. Something which, at Tutor Doctor, we pride ourselves on!

Remember to switch off

It can be incredibly easy to forget how to switch off when working from home, with the lines between work time and relaxation time becoming blurred. Sticking to a schedule is important, especially when running a franchise, as working well into the night with an “already at home” mentality risks burnout and ultimately producing negative results.

Many businesses now operate ‘behind closed doors’ and, while there are obvious benefits – flexibility, financial savings, increased work-life balance, the end of the dreaded commute – there are important implications that franchisees must also consider. If you intend to run your new business from home, then part of your business plan must be dedicated to maximising performance and productivity from your home office. Hint: remember to factor in how you will utilise the cooperative nature of the franchise industry, and your new network, to give you a sharp edge in today’s closely connected world.

1Census 2021, 2021, Business and individual attitudes towards the future of homeworking, UK: April to May 2021

Frank Milner
Frank Milner