Starting from modest roots in Perth, Australia, Drama Kids has grown into a leading name in children’s drama education. This year, the brand is thrilled to celebrate four significant milestones – its 45th anniversary since founding, 40 years of successful franchising, 30 years of operations in the UK and its recent accreditation as a member of the British Franchise Association (BFA).
Since making its international debut in 1979 and expanding into the UK in 1994, Drama Kids has been dedicated to fostering a supportive environment where children can unleash their creativity, boost their self-esteem and gain valuable life skills through drama. Over the years, the brand has also offered franchisees in the UK and worldwide a tried-and-true business model that enables them to pursue their passion and achieve success.
“We are incredibly proud to celebrate 40 years of franchising and 30 years of Drama Kids in the UK,” said Becky Goodfield, COO of Drama Kids. “Since our beginnings 45 years ago as Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, we’ve been dedicated to helping children discover their unique voices, express themselves creatively and grow into confident individuals. This anniversary holds special significance, coming just a year after our successful rebrand, which has made our 30th year even more memorable.”
With more than 150 franchisees and 100,000 children attending classes each week, this milestone provides the entire Drama Kids network with a special opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the brand’s incredible journey over the past four decades.
“During what has turned out to be a summer of celebration, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the students, parents, educators and supporters who have been a part of our journey,” explained Becky. “Their unwavering commitment and enthusiasm have been instrumental in shaping Drama Kids into the thriving education programme it is today. As we embark on the next chapter of our story, we look forward to continuing our legacy of empowering young minds and positively impacting generations to come.”
As the brand embarks on this new chapter, it starts with a strong commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct for both its franchisees and the young minds it seeks to inspire.
“Receiving BFA accreditation is the icing on the cake of what has been a landmark year,” said Becky. “It establishes a benchmark that aligns perfectly with our core values of innovation, quality drama education and empowering young minds through our dynamic classes up and down the country.”
Becky added, “This milestone is a celebration of our 30 years of success in the UK and a shining testament to our commitment to the future. It highlights our unwavering support for our franchisees, who are truly the heart of our network and essential to this incredible journey. I can’t wait to see what the next 30, 40 and 45 years will bring for our network and the thousands of children we have the privilege of teaching.”
To find out more about franchise opportunities visit Drama Kids.