Among the legendary quotes attributed to Henry Ford is: “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”. He could easily have been talking about the principle of franchising, which is why these words came to mind recently after we completed a series of biannual regional meetings with our etyres franchise owners across the UK. Our network really looks forward to these events because they offer everyone the opportunity to focus on where our business is and what we can do to improve our position.
It is vitally important to make sure that the franchise you join is going to offer continued support once you have launched your business. Equally, being a good franchisor is about more than just selling a great business formula; it is about developing a strong working partnership with your nationwide team.
I am pleased to see that network forums are becoming an increasingly common and useful business tool. They allow everyone involved – franchisor, franchise owners and the head-office teams – to keep in touch and offer an easy-access channel to share tips on everything from best practice for specific tasks to effective marketing initiatives.
Franchise owners should also be free to speak to head office daily in order to ensure the smooth running of their businesses. Because many of our senior management team are also etyres franchise owners, our network knows that when it is being offered advice, it comes from first-hand experience, not a business handbook.
Perhaps the most attractive reason to buy a franchise is that you are part of a much bigger organisation with everyone focused on growing your business, whether they are based at head office or in neighbouring branches. Sharing contacts, ideas and advice all related to your business really helps to develop camaraderie, as well as developing your brand and generating new business across the network.
Being part of a franchise doesn’t guarantee you a charmed business life but it does offer you the opportunity to share the burden of your responsibilities when times are tough, as well as celebrating the successes. It may sound corny but being part of a franchise should be like being part of a big family. This is another key reason why we espouse family values and many of our branches are family businesses that are jointly owned by couples, siblings or parents and their children.
So never forget, one of the biggest advantages of being part of a franchise is that you can build a business for yourself without having to do it by yourself.
Tony Bowman
Tony is the CEO and Principle of Franchise Problem Solutions. With over 30 years of franchising experience as a franchisor and now as a consultant. He founded and developed etyres into a nationwide, award winning, brand, selling in 2019. He has held prominent positions in the BFA, including the main board. He contributes regular articles for the franchise press and retains a high profile within the industry. He is a qualified mediator and a specialist in resolving problems for both franchisors and franchisees.
Tony Bowman
Tony is the CEO and Principle of Franchise Problem Solutions. With over 30 years of franchising experience as a franchisor and now as a consultant. He founded and developed etyres into a nationwide, award winning, brand, selling in 2019. He has held prominent positions in the BFA, including the main board. He contributes regular articles for the franchise press and retains a high profile within the industry. He is a qualified mediator and a specialist in resolving problems for both franchisors and franchisees.