What makes a business owner a leader?

Running your own business inevitably means you're destined to become a leader. But what does this look like, especially if you've never "led" before? Ryan Armitage from Tezlom offers his tips.u00a0

What makes a business owner a leader?

One aspect of running a business, which you may not have considered, is how you’ll lead your business forward, and the impact it will have on your staff and customers. Now before this puts you in a mad panic, this doesn’t have to be complicated. You’ll find yourself naturally dropping into it, just because the business is your dream, and you want it to succeed. And, by joining a franchise, you’ll receive the support and guidance to help you lead. 

So, what makes someone who runs a business, a leader?

It starts with vision!

As any good leadership programme will tell you, a true leader has to have a vision for people to follow. As a business owner, you’ll have a vision of where you want your business to go, and the goals to help you get there. When you join a franchise, your franchisor will have a Support Team to help you develop a strategy to achieve this. At Tezlom, we have business coaches who are experts at helping you identify your goals, understand the steps you’ll need to reach them, and how to grow your business further with new goals set at the right time. And having spoken with other franchisors in the industry, this is something you can feel assured of, wherever you end-up.

You’ll need people who are following you!

I love what leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, says: “He who thinketh he leadeth when no one is following, is merely taking a walk.” When you open for business, you’ll want people working with you who are passionate about what they, and when you find the best people for the role – hold on to them. As a leader, you’ll need to inspire them with your enthusiasm, your enjoyment and your effort. Why do I say this? Because people usually imitate those at the top! Your franchisor should support you to find and keep the right people for your business. At Tezlom, I’ve ensured we have someone to help you sift through CVs, offering insight into anyone applying to join your team.

They’ll need to understand where you’re taking them!

A massive part of leading people, is communicating the right messages – both to your team, and to your customers or clients. People need to know what page you’re on so they can feel confident they’re on the same one. Having communication skills is something you can learn to do or improve. You’ll find by focusing on this aspect of your personal development, you’re investing in the future of your business. Most franchisors will have the support structures in place to help you do this, and will have developed systems and processes which makes communicating with different audiences easy. Something which we’ve been focused on for the last couple of years, at Tezlom. 

It’s a fun journey!

Of course, once you start developing as a leader, and learning which style of leadership fits you, there’s personal progress to be made as you settle into your new role. In 2022, we launched leadership summits within Tezlom, which the network absolutely loves! I believe it’s important any of us feel comfortable when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone. Having the right people around you can help you realise just how well you’re doing. So, step into your new role with purpose, confidence, and all the encouragement franchising offers you. 

This article comes courtesy of Tezlom Franchising , a UK Healthcare Recruitment business that specialises in “finding places for people that care….” A business suited to anyone who is looking to start changing people’s lives for the better, Today.

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