Why it’s worthwhile going the extra mile

Going above and beyond as a franchisee can have huge benefits both professionally and personally

Why it’s worthwhile going the extra mile

The dictionary definition of going the extra mile is to “try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort”. I am not sure I agree with this as a definition. Sometimes going the extra mile does not involve a lot of extra effort. Stretching yourself even a tiny bit can make such a difference to both yourself and other people.

Going the extra mile has a huge literal significance for me: last year I decided to run a marathon. During training, I increased my mileage weekly to get my body fit to take on the challenge. I ran my marathon in November and, as a result of a great training programme, I loved every minute of it. The extra miles along the way had made a huge difference. But it’s not just while they’re in their running shoes and joggers. Successful people go the extra mile in every aspect of their life: in work, in relationships and, perhaps most importantly, in attitude.

There is nothing more frustrating as an employer or franchisor to see people just doing the bare minimum. Fortunately the reverse is also true: working hard, having a willing attitude and performing tasks outside of your job description will all generate results. This works whether you’re working on your own business or as a part of somebody else’s. And going the extra mile in this way will get you noticed: even when you’re doing the basics, doing them incredibly well with a great attitude is a surefire way to ensure everyone from your customer to your franchisor sits up and pays attention.

Think about the contribution and what a difference you are making. It’s not just about thinking ‘what’s in it for me?’ so don’t expect to be compensated for every action. But if you focus on other people rather than focusing on yourself, you will in time see rewards for your efforts. Focusing on what people expect from you and exceeding their expectations creates a feeling of wellbeing for both them and you. It is always good to be a positive influence in people’s lives: going the extra mile always surprises and delights people and it makes you both feel good.

But it’s not all about other people: another positive outcome of going the extra mile is that it increases your own energy. Personal energy breeds more in kind: the additional effort it takes to go the extra mile helps you to increase your drive, output and commitment. This in turn will bolster your passion and ensure going above and beyond becomes second nature. I really believe what you give out, you get back.

Ultimately, going the extra mile is the difference between being average or mediocre and becoming a top performer across all aspects of your life. And why would you want to settle for being mediocre?

Sussanne Chambers
Sussanne Chambers