Louise Y Harris QFP

Founder, Franchise Projects & The Ops Portal

Louise has been in franchising since 2006, initially as a franchisee. In 2010, she became a franchisor, launching the award-winning Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchise, which was sold in 2019. She is a fierce advocate for ethical business-format franchising, has served on the board of the British Franchise Association and several committees and is a Qualified Franchise Professional (QFP)

Louise now runs Franchise Projects and The Ops Portal. Her bias is the operations manual, which is transformed from a set of rarely used documents to an energised web-based knowledge centre, enabled by change-tracking, interaction with users and a dashboard to tie in all systems used by franchisees and employees in multi-site businesses.

She is a regular contributor to Elite Franchise, and 2024 is her third year as a judge for the EF100 Awards.

Her life before franchising was as operations director in a serviced office business, and she was previously a business trainer for KLM Airlines.

Louise Y Harris QFP