

CeX take the buy & sell concept, bring it to digital entertainment products, and prove that simple ideas are most profitable

Minimum Investment

£ 170000

Annual Fees


Full Investment

£ 270000

Additional Funding Support


Franchise Industry


Estimated Annual Profits


CeX take the buy & sell concept, bring it to digital entertainment products, and prove that simple ideas are most profitable

The best ideas are the simplest and the most profitable. CeX takes the buy and sell concept and updates it by trading in digital entertainment products. CeX shops buy, sell and exchange mobile phones, games, electronics, computers and DVDs directly from the public. What separates CeX from wider buy and sell retailers is the execution. CeX trade in a focused, yet complementary product range, backed up by 25 years’ experience. The brand is publicly acclaimed as a technology and entertainment specialist.

CeX has developed its own bespoke computer systems that simplify the process of buying and selling. Goods are tested before they are bought in and then resold with a 24-month warranty, offering customers great value for money and peace of mind. CeX has grown its number of branches while other retailers in the sector have been closing theirs, much of the reason for this can be attributed to these systems, which enable CeX to set its own prices based on the market conditions, maximising profits and limiting exposure to industry forces. A CeX franchise offers unrivalled returns, with a typical new store generating a return on investment within 2 years and an average annual turnover in excess of £1 million.

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