Positive thinking

"Think positive!" How many times has someone said that to you over your lifetime? Did it actually make any difference?

Positive thinking

I’ve recently read a book by Dr Norman Vincent Peale called The Power of Positive Thinking. He certainly thinks a systematic approach to positive thinking will improve outcomes and he’s not alone! A cursory check on Amazon, reveals 20 pages of titles about positive thinking from a ‘positive thinking’ colouring book to a new text by SAS: Who Dares Wins star, Ant Middleton!
Positive thinking may sound a little light and fluffy but scientific research is also starting to validate its benefits. Barbara L. Fredrickson Department of Psychology, University of Michigan in her paper: The Broaden-and-build Theory of Positive Emotions, underscores the ways in which positive emotions are essential elements of optimal functioning, and therefore an essential topic within the science of well-being. The theory suggests that positive emotions broaden people’s attention and thinking. 
Research into stress management has also concluded positive thinking can improve our health. Positive thinking can assist in everyday life to ease the burden of worry and improve mental function but how can it help in the business of franchising?
Think about a clear business goal. By visualising that positively and regularly, productive actions will follow. It’s such a simple idea.
“When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a law of attraction tends to bring the best to you.” Dr Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking
Paying attention to this quote in particular, offers a clue to how the concept works. Habitual visualisation of a desired goal whether that is personal or in business starts to frame the way you think. It is a catalyst that will automatically begin to influence the positive energy you put into certain actions and therefore the subsequent decisions you make but also those of the people around you. Dr Peale describes this as the power of faith in action.
Our brains are so powerful. It is interesting how we become our thoughts. We therefore also need to be careful what we think, as this can work if we let negative thoughts prevail too.
Dr Peale says: “We build up the feeling of insecurity or security by how we think. If in our thoughts we constantly fix attention upon sinister expectations of dire events that might happen, the result will be constantly to feel insecure. And what is even more serious is the tendency to create, by the power of thought, the very condition we fear.” 
Therefore, gaining control over our thoughts is important. Positive thinking has far wider implications than we can realise, and science is only just starting to scratch the surface. For business leaders, simply focusing on clear positive goals is the first step to creating a successful future.
Writing down positive thoughts can help too. Practically, these could be encompassed in a clear set company values to influence and encourage staff to think positively? For example, at Papa John’s we have the following values: Put people first, Do the right thing, Everyone belongs, Innovate to Win and Have fun! These are just some of the positive thoughts that help us all carry out our purpose and I’m sure have been an integral part of our success over the years. Perhaps even more so that we realise?
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Dr Norman Vincent Peale.

Amit Pancholi
Amit Pancholi