The importance of career development – how to grow in your role as a franchisee

Bloom Baby Classes has been going from strength to strength since its launch in 2017.

The importance of career development – how to grow in your role as a franchisee

Bloom Baby Classes has been going from strength to strength since its launch in 2017. With plans to launch its sister brand, Bloom Toddler Classes, at the end of this year in the UK and overseas in Dubai, the franchise is constantly providing new and exciting opportunities for its investors – proving Bloom’s focus is not only on helping children develop, but its franchisees’ careers too.

“Our franchisees come from all walks of life which means every individual will need goals tailored to their experience levels,” says Victoria Jennings, baby development specialist and founder of Bloom Baby Classes. “We help franchisees reach their full potential by supporting them throughout their entire journey – from pre-launch to teaching milestones down the line – and ensuring we set personalised goals to help them grow in their role as a franchisee. This means our franchise is always evolving and growing.”

Below are the top techniques that can help with your career development as a franchisee.

Communication is key

In a successful franchise partnership, there should always be an open line of communication. At Bloom, franchisees can always talk to Victoria or another member of the head office if they have an ambition they would like to achieve – from opening classes in a different territory to launching their own Bloom Toddler franchise. For an extra helping hand, reach out to your franchise network – share advice and encourage one another to maintain a circle of support around you.

Honesty between the franchisor and franchisee is also essential. The franchisor should communicate with the franchisee what they expect from them and, similarly, a franchisee should be open to discussing any issues within the partnership. Whilst you can rely on your franchisor for their tried-and-tested business model if something isn’t working – tell them!

Seize the opportunity

It’s easy to fill your days with the mundane, day-to-day tasks associated with running your business and neglecting your professional development. Being a franchisee in itself offers you a great opportunity to develop your skillset on the job. From business acumen to managing finances, becoming a franchisee improves your skills and exposes you to a plethora of new opportunities where you can utilise your training. Katie Lyon, a teacher for Bloom who left the corporate world to become a franchisee recognises the invaluable transformation that can come from becoming a franchisee. “Having worked in the legal and property sectors since my early twenties, I hadn’t ever really considered moving away from the corporate world before. Being a franchisee has allowed me to invest in a profitable business that is scalable, very much in demand and has developed, and added, to my skillset.”


As a franchisee you should discuss your career plans and goals openly with your franchisor, working with them on a one-to-one basis to ensure you feel fulfilled in your role. When setting goals, why not try the SMART method? The acronym, which stands for specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, time-based goals, helps individuals to reach achievable milestones through an established working timeline. Understand precisely what you want to achieve, who it will benefit and how you will measure the goal, making sure your target has a deadline. Improving your career requires commitment, regular evaluations and motivation – ensuring your goals are in line with these considerations will help you steadily grow as a franchisee.

Victoria Jennings
Victoria Jennings