The power of belief

Belief is a powerful thing. How often do you see someone in a role with perhaps less experience and knowledge than someone else, and wonder how they got there? It all comes down to self-confidence and belief.

The power of belief

Belief is a powerful thing. How often do you see someone in a role with perhaps less experience and knowledge than someone else, and wonder how they got there? It all comes down to self-confidence and belief.

There are only a handful of franchisees which reach the very top, depending on the franchise model, they may be the few that own 30+ units. There are always others who are better qualified than them, so it is vision and belief that has led to success.

For franchisees looking to operate in the top 1% of a franchise network, they must believe that they can be successful running a large-scale business. This is because consciously or sub-consciously, actions are guided by belief. They will only get there with conviction that fuels their daily positive actions and creates the outcomes they desire.


High performers, whether that is in business or sports or example, all have the self confidence that they can ultimately succeed. Accepting there will be some failures along the way is part and parcel of the journey.  It is necessary to acknowledge some mistakes will be made, learn from them, and then move forwards.  

Those exceptional athletes who win gold and those at the very highest level of business, also recognise a key pillar of belief is acceptance that they must be really great at what they do. Being average is just not good enough. This requires hard work and commitment.  

In his book: The ten pillars of Wealth, Alex Becker examines the mindset of the world’s richest people. He explains that creating wealth is not due to luck or talent but beliefs, understanding, and how these reinforce actions. 

He uses the example of a NASCAR driver. The car may be the best in class and have a 2mph advantage but if the driver gets in and doesn’t believe in themselves, they will never go for that gap and bring home the win.

Emma Wiggs, MBE, Paralympic gold medal winner and seven-time World Champion paracanoeist presented at our franchise conference a couple of years ago.  She also talked of drive purpose, values and ownership.  She demonstrates despite the challenges she’s experienced during her lifetime, that mindset was a critical factor in her winning gold at the London Olympics.  

She confirmed that we all have a choice to overcome the fear that often stops us moving forwards.  It is necessary to grab and say yest to the opportunities that come our way and not hold back, as no-one is going to just give them to us.   She said we should always be considering what we need to do today to reach our target?  Some days that’s just to get through. Other days, there is a need to go the extra mile to make progress to achieving your goal.  It comes down to focus and belief. Our franchisees were inspired.  

So, my conclusion and advice for those looking to join the elite group of people who operate within echelons of any franchise network is, in order to succeed, you must believe you can.

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Justin Gilbert
Justin Gilbert