Lessons from the Premier League: Building a winning business!

Success in business, much like in Premier League football, is a journey of strategy, teamwork, and relentless pursuit of excellence

As the football season recently got underway, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to write about two of my passions; football and business. I know that football is not for everyone, but I’m sure you will see the undeniable similarities that running a business has with running a football team.

Success in business, much like in Premier League football, is a journey of strategy, teamwork, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Whether you’re managing a football team or launching a franchise, the parallels are striking. Both require a clear vision, the right team, effective tactics, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Let’s explore how building a successful business can mirror the journey of a top Premier League team.

Vision and strategy: The game plan

Every successful Premier League team starts with a vision. This is the dream of where the team wants to be—whether it’s winning the league, securing a top-four finish, or dominating in European competitions. This vision is then broken down into a strategy; a game plan that guides every decision made on and off the pitch.

Similarly, as a franchisee, your business needs a clear vision. What does success look like for you? Is it becoming the leading franchise in your region, expanding to multiple locations, or achieving a certain revenue milestone? Your strategy is your roadmap, guiding your daily operations, marketing efforts, and customer service practices. Just as a football manager studies the competition and adjusts tactics accordingly, you must analyse your market, understand your customers, and refine your approach to stay ahead.

Assembling the team: Talent and culture

A Premier League team’s success heavily depends on the players—their skill, experience, and how well they work together. Even the best players need to be part of a cohesive unit that understands the manager’s tactics and shares the same goals. The importance of a strong backroom staff, including coaches and analysts, cannot be overstated either. They provide the support structure that allows players to perform at their best.

In business, your team is your most valuable asset. From the employees who interact with customers daily to the managers who oversee operations, each person plays a critical role. Hiring the right people—those who share your vision and are committed to the company’s success—is crucial. But beyond hiring, it’s about fostering a culture of teamwork, where every member understands their role and is motivated to contribute. Training, support, and clear communication are the hallmarks of a successful business, just as they are in football.

Tactics and execution: Playing the game

In football, tactics involve making real-time decisions based on the flow of the game. Managers must be adaptable, able to change formations, substitute players, or tweak strategies to gain an edge. Execution is key—great tactics mean nothing if the team cannot deliver on the pitch.

For a franchise, tactics involve your marketing strategies, the customer experience and your use of technology and automation. . It’s about identifying what works, what doesn’t, and being willing to pivot when necessary. The business landscape is dynamic, much like a football match; staying rigid in your tactics can lead to missed opportunities. Effective execution of your strategy—whether it’s launching a new product, expanding your customer base, or improving your customer service—is what will set you apart from the competition.

Consistency and resilience: Enduring the season

A Premier League team must be consistent over a long season, not just in one-off matches. Consistency is what separates the champions from the rest. This also includes dealing with setbacks—injuries, bad refereeing decisions, or tough fixtures. The best teams are those that can bounce back from adversity.

In business, consistency is crucial. It’s not enough to have a few good months; success requires sustained effort and continuous improvement. Challenges will inevitably arise—economic downturns, increased competition, or operational hiccups. Resilience, the ability to overcome obstacles and keep pushing forward, is what will ensure your business not only survives but thrives.

Winning Mindset: The champion’s mentality

Finally, a winning football team has a champion’s mentality—a belief that they can win, no matter the odds. This mindset drives them to perform at their best, game after game.

As a franchisee, adopting this winning mindset is key. Believe in your vision, the brand, your team, and your ability to succeed. This confidence will not only motivate you but will also inspire those around you. Remember, success in business, like in football, is not just about talent or resources; it’s about the mindset you bring to every challenge.

Just look at the perennial underdogs from last year; Luton Town, who managed to gain promotion to the Premier League against all the odds. What they lacked in resources, player budgets, stadium capacity, they more than made up for with their will to win, culture and togetherness and let’s not forget, a fantastic Manager, in Rob Edwards, who was able to steer them to success.

By embracing these parallels, you can build a business that not only competes but wins, much like a top Premier League team. The journey is demanding, but with the right vision, team, tactics, and mindset, success is within your reach.

Paul Lewis
Paul Lewis