Why travel franchisees should step on board the cruising trend

This year the world’s biggest ever cruise ship set sail. Launched in January 2024 by mega ship cruise line Royal Caribbean International (RCI), Icon of the Seas can hold 7,600 passengers

Why travel franchisees should step on board the cruising trend

Then, in July RCI launched Utopia of the Seas – the world’s second biggest ship at sea with a similarly staggering maximum capacity.

Interestingly, the two ships regularly set sail packed to the rafters. Why? Because cruising is one of the fastest growing sectors of the entire travel industry.

The cruise industry is booming and in a bid to keep pace with demand, some 56 ships are in the order books between now and 2028.

As far as this sector is concerned, the global pandemic has been well and truly left in its wake.
According to the latest trend report from Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), cruise travel reached 107% of 2019 levels in 2023—with 31.7 million passengers having set sail.

And there’s no sign of this demand abating. In fact, CLIA forecasts that by 2027, 40 million passengers will cruise.

It’s a trend that looks set to continue. While a healthy 82% of people state that they ‘intend to cruise’, what is significant is that the number of new-to-cruise passengers is increasing. Some 27% of cruisers over the past two years are completely new-to-cruise, an increase of 12% over the past year.

Perhaps it’s the impact of the pandemic that is seeing more multi-generational families choose to cruise – keen to make up for lost time by creating ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ family memories.

Many travellers are also becoming more adventurous with expedition cruising drawing in 71% more passengers in 2023 compared to pre-pandemic days.

That’s the global figures. But if we drill down into the UK market specifically you’ll see that it’s equally upbeat.

2019 saw 1.9m British passengers set sail. In 2023 that figure had shot up to 2.2m representing a 15% increase. In fact, the UK represents the third biggest source market for cruise passengers after the US in first place and Germany in second.

So why is this of interest?

For any potential franchisee looking for an opportunity, an upward trend in demand is a key indication that there’s money to be made.

A cruise holiday may not be cheap, but the launch of bigger ships has made it more affordable with cruises for a range of budgets and interests.

To those who clinch the sales, the cruise lines reward them with among the highest commissions in the entire travel industry.

Because booking a cruise can be complicated, it’s natural for many people to turn to agents for help. With hundreds of ships and thousands of itineraries to choose, knowing where to start can be overwhelming. What’s more, there’s the vital detail of securing the right cabin – where should you sleep to experience the least movement?

NJT Cruise

According to the CLIA report, some 73% of cruise travellers say that travel advisors have a meaningful influence on their decision to cruise. It’s easy to see why.

With structured training and first-hand onboard education, agents can master the art of selling cruises. And they’ll be well rewarded for doing so. The commissions for cruising are among the highest in the industry, and it’s also a sector that attracts among the highest repeat booking rate standing at an incredible 82%.

So addicted to the cruise experience, 12% of cruise travellers set sail twice a year and 10% take three to five cruises a year.

How does this translate? It means that if a travel consultant gets it right, their customer will be straight back to do it all again.

Mastering the art of the cruise industry is an investment that more franchisees are conquering – even those completely new to travel.

Specialist cruise franchises

Well trained travel agents are increasingly proving their worth within the growing cruise sector with many leading travel franchises have launched cruise divisions and cruise mastery courses with expert cruise gurus at the helm to help franchisees corner the market.

Some even take their franchisees on company cruises to help improve their knowledge with some franchisees securing single cruise bookings of over £150,000 and many concentrating on this niche travel market.

It’s a clear indication that the tide has turned since the end of the pandemic with many people seeking a more personal connection when it comes to booking holidays – representing a great opportunity for anyone looking to turn their passion for travel into a thriving business.

This article comes courtesy of The Travel Franchise, the number one travel franchise in the UK for people new to travel and part of the consumer-facing Not Just Travel brand.

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