How joining an e-commerce franchise will benefit you

Creating your own e-commerce business can give you the opportunity to leave the nine-to-five office life behind

How joining an e-commerce franchise will benefit you

The online revolution is happening right now. It’s hardly a secret consumers are taking their shopping into the virtual world. According to Statista, the market research firm, retail e-commerce sales worldwide rose to $1.86tn in 2016 and e-retail revenues are projected to grow to $4.48tn in 2021. Additionally, the continuing trend of transfering retail sales from bricks and mortar stores to online platforms has created a window of opportunity for independent people to take advantage of and share the rewards. There really is no time like the present to take advantage of this profitable industry. Luckily, there are many franchises you can join to make your mark in the e-commerce arena.

The main draw that many budding franchisees find with e-commerce businesses is the high level of personal freedom it entails. You can learn the skills to drive traffic to your brand, maximise sales and enjoy repeat customers using a proven method that results in a low maintenance online business that – once established – can be easily maintained from any location in the world. So you can say goodbye to commuting and set office hours. E-commerce provides you with the flexibility to work when and where you want – around another job, around your family, on the sofa, on the beach or on the move. You can base your business wherever you are as long as you have an internet connection. If you think that sounds awesome, then you’re not alone: 98% of employees across 12 countries believe a ‘work anywhere’ culture has a positive impact on productivity, according to a recent survey by Morar Consulting, the business growth firm.

Moreover, there are three huge benefits of remote working. Firstly, you get greater job satisfaction by working from different locations and on your own project compared to slaving away at your desk at a regular nine-to-five office job with little motivation.

Secondly, your stress levels will plummet. Working for yourself can remove stressors such as time-consuming daily commutes and office politics, which can be both be time-wasting and nerve-wrecking.

Thirdly, working from home, from the beach or from wherever you get your wifi can boost your productivity. According to a study by Centre for Economics and Business Research, 92% of Britons who are currently working would be able to manage their time more effectively if they had more flexibility.

Through following a tried, tested and proven system to create and establish a successful online e-commerce business by using the power of platforms like Amazon, you can become a global e-commerce entrepreneur selling a suite of perfectly-selected popular and profitable consumer products directly from your laptop. You’ll never have to create, handle, stock or ship the products yourself so there are no premises or staff required.

With the recent news announcement that Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has just become the world’s richest person in modern history, Amazon is still continuing to dominate the e-commerce world with estimated sales of $3.5M during Amazon Prime Day. Therefore selling your products through established and high performing platforms like Amazon will benefit your own e-commerce business greatly.

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