The role of education franchises in global learning

Access to education is a human right, a public good and a worldwide responsibility. On January 24th, the world comes together to celebrate the International Day of Education.

The role of education franchises in global learning

Access to education is a human right, a public good and a worldwide responsibility. On January 24th, the world comes together to celebrate the International Day of Education. This day, marked by the United Nations, highlights the vital role of education in fostering peace and development. Amid various educational models, one notable contributor in this arena is the education franchise sector.

Here, Frank Milner, Global President of Tutor Doctor, discusses the significant role education franchises can have on global learning, highlighting how they have the opportunity to bridge educational gaps, particularly in underserved areas.

Education franchises, by their very nature, are uniquely positioned to adapt and respond to the diverse learning needs in local communities across the globe. Unlike traditional schools, these franchises aren’t bound by rigid curriculums or administrative “red tape”. This allows them to offer customised educational experiences that cater to the specific needs of the community they serve. From rural villages to bustling cities, education franchises bring tailored learning to every corner of the world, making a significant difference in areas where educational resources are scarce.

Education franchises are at the forefront of innovative teaching methods and technologies, showcasing a real-world impact. They often adopt a personalised approach, focusing on individual learning needs rather than a one-size-fits-all methodology, which many schools have to adopt due to budget and resource constraints. This personalised attention ensures that every student receives the support they need to succeed.

Additionally, the flexibility of these franchises means they can tailor their lessons to the needs of the area or the individual. For example, if an area is lacking in STEM education, franchises can tailor their programmes to ensure as many people as possible receive a well-rounded education.

Education franchises like Tutor Doctor are making substantial impacts in underserved UK communities, as evidenced by the successes of franchisees like Piyush Gupta in Peterborough and Rob and Lynne Kerrison in Cambridge and Norwich. Piyush has significantly improved educational services and established vital partnerships with local schools and youth centres, a commitment that proved crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic and led to his franchise being ranked among the top three globally in service delivery by 2022.

Similarly, Rob and Lynne have focused on addressing critical issues like mental health and enhancing relationships with schools, leading to significant business growth even amid the pandemic. Their efforts to meet the local authority’s tendering requirements have enabled them to support caseworkers, struggling families and children who cannot attend school. Both examples demonstrate the transformative role of education franchises in supporting less fortunate children, earning high recognition in their communities and showcasing their profound influence in addressing essential educational and social needs.

The global reach of education franchises has been further enhanced in the post-pandemic era with the rise of digital platforms. Online tutoring and digital resources have made education more accessible, especially during and following COVID-19. Tutors can now extend their services beyond physical borders, reaching students in the farthest corners of the world. This digital leap has not only connected geographical areas but also provided continuity in learning during uncertain times.

Looking to the future, the role of education franchises in shaping learning is more crucial than ever. As we navigate the evolving educational landscape, these franchises stand as beacons of innovation, accessibility, and bespoke learning. They inspire readers and stakeholders alike to engage with educational causes and consider the transformative role of franchises in shaping the future of learning. The growth and adaptation of education franchises will likely set new trends in global education, making learning an inclusive and accessible experience for all.

As we celebrate the International Day of Education, it’s important to recognise and support education organisations that are making a real difference in the lives of learners around the world. Through innovation, personalisation, and global reach, education franchises continue to reshape the landscape of learning, making education a truly accessible right for all.

Frank Milner
Frank Milner