Ivory tower out, open dialogue in

In franchising, the image of a distant, inaccessible franchisor perched in an ivory tower is a common trope, and it is one that many franchisees are keen – and rightfully so! – to avoid

In franchising, the image of a distant, inaccessible franchisor perched in an ivory tower is a common trope, and it is one that many franchisees are keen – and rightfully so! – to avoid.

In franchising, the image of a distant, inaccessible franchisor perched in an ivory tower is a common trope, and it is one that many franchisees are keen – and rightfully so! – to avoid. For franchisors, dismantling this perception is crucial for fostering a positive, productive relationship with franchisees. Building a network where franchisees feel supported, valued and connected requires more than just a good business model – it demands a commitment to open communication, accessibility and a people-first philosophy.

For Petpals, the brand has worked hard to ensure that its franchisees experience the antithesis of this ivory tower stereotype. Its approach to franchising is rooted in the belief that success is a collective effort, where every franchisee is a vital part of a larger, collaborative network. Here, Director Kevin Thackrah shares the strategies that keep the brand’s network feeling heard and valued.

A successful franchise network is built on a foundation of trust and open communication, going beyond just strong operational procedures and consistent branding. Franchisees are not cogs in the machine but vital partners whose wellbeing and satisfaction are critical to the brand’s success. And stifling open dialogue with these vital partners can ultimately hinder the overall success and cohesion of the network. At Petpals, our “open door” policy is not just a feel-good slogan – it is a necessary practice to ensure our franchisees are supported and their voices are genuinely heard.

From day one, our aim has been to ensure that every franchisee feels like a valued member of the Petpals team. Whether it is through regular one-on-one meetings, comprehensive training programmes or simply being available to address concerns, we strive to create an environment where franchisees know they can reach out for support, advice, or even just a friendly chat.

At the end of the day, business is business, but we have got to remember that we are all human and things can get tough. There is nothing worse than feeling like you are struggling, whether it is in your personal life or your work, and having no one to turn to. That is why it is so important to partner with a franchise that is not just about making a quick buck but that really cares about its people.

When you team up with a franchise that listens, understands and offers support, whether that is from within the company or through external resources, you know they are putting people first. As a franchisee, you are the bridge between the brand and your customers. If you are having a hard time, the last thing you need is for the franchisor to just cut ties and move on. Instead, a responsible franchisor will work with you to get the support you need to get back on track and keep delivering for those customers who rely on you.

At Petpals, we make sure our franchisees, no matter how far they are from our head office in Andover, feel like they are just a phone call away. We are really proud of our flexible approach, which means we do not use a one-size-fits-all model. Instead, we adapt to fit each franchisee’s unique situation, so they never feel boxed in, even if personal issues come up.

Our top priority is always to support our franchisees and give them all the tools they need to get back on track. Most importantly, we want our franchisees to feel that they can always turn to us for support. We are here to help, no matter what.

The connection between a franchisor and franchisee should be built on partnership and mutual respect, not on a rigid hierarchy. By fostering an environment of open dialogue and collaboration, franchisors help franchisees thrive, which in turn strengthens the entire brand. After all, in a business where people are at the heart of everything, it is essential that every voice is heard and valued.

Kevin Thackrah
Kevin Thackrah