Campaigns provide a focus helping Franchisees to achieve huge gains in their business

Last Autumn it was becoming abundantly clear that the next several months were going to be bumpy for the overall economy. A combination of rising interest rates and higher energy costs were taking a big bite out of family disposable income.

Campaigns provide a focus helping Franchisees to achieve huge gains in their business

At a time as a business we were focused on making sure that our customers were thrilled with our service, we were going to be forced to put even more pressure on their finances by increasing their cleaning fee, the result of the increase in the National Living Wage (NLW) planned for April.   There was really no other option for us other than increasing our prices because if we didn’t, it would mean lower profitability for our Franchisees, something that we can never accept. 

Over 40 years in business we have run many different sales campaigns that reward Franchisees who achieve sales targets with trips to places like Antigua and St. Lucia in the Caribbean, Venice, Athens, Rome and most recently Seville.  We love these sales campaigns as much to reward our Franchisees for their hard work as providing a short-term focus to help them grow their business, and grow they do.  Many Franchisees who qualify for these trips end up achieving double digit sales growth in the process.  But campaigns don’t have to be sales growth oriented they can cover any number of areas of your business which is why we turned to this tried and true tool to help us achieve what would become one of the most significant price increases in our history.  As the cost of living ‘crisis’ was really taking off, we were preparing for an across the board price increase to all of our customers. 

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