Combining your passion with a business

Mark Twain is attributed as saying "Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life", something that is completely true in today's commercial climate

Combining your passion with a business

Mark Twain is attributed as saying “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”, something that is completely true in today’s commercial climate. When we spend over 2,080 hours a year at our jobs, we’ve got to have some sort of passion for it – right?

This is where having a franchise and working for yourself really appeals. At Drama Kids franchisees are so passionate about drama, the students they teach, the teachers they work with, and the community they serve, it hardly ever feels like work. 

Having a successful franchise can depend on what your franchisor offers. A good franchisor helps franchisees to set up their businesses and offers advice. A great franchisor guides them on a continuous journey of self-development. An amazing franchisor supports a franchisee all the way from the selection of your academy location, to the curriculum content you teach each term, your digital marketing presence and where you will grow in the future. Below are just five ways Drama Kids as a franchisor helps you combine your passion with a business performance you can be proud of. 

Work life balance 

Being a franchisee for Drama Kids allows you to show your love for the dramatic arts whilst offering you a steady profession. Have you worked in the performing arts in the past but are now looking to settle down with family? Becoming a franchisee will give you a consistent role – no more auditioning or career gaps – whilst still enjoying a leading role in the dramatic arts each week. If you think you haven’t reached your full potential in the theatre, you can continue your exploration of the drama world. You get a daily chance to further hone your passion for performing arts by serving as a principal.

In perfect harmony

In a post-covid world, the ability to work from home is more important than ever. With a franchise you could operate from home with your teaching studios being established in your local area, this cuts out commuting time and having an academy in your area improves your local community. As a result, you will have extra time to spend with family or to harness other passions – you could even attend drama classes yourself! A drama franchise offers better quality of life whilst making a positive difference to you, your family, and your community. 

A starlit future

As a franchisee, your journey will be rewarding. Most entrepreneurs want to run a firm that gives back in some manner, and becoming a principal for Drama Kids does just that. Although you will benefit financially with up to 40% margins and a high resale value, you will also boost your personal confidence and thinking. You are free to focus on your own self-development as a teacher and as an individual with a support staff and internationally recognised curriculum behind you.

Inspire young performers

We all have a teacher from our youth that we absolutely loved, someone who inspired us to be better. Their teachings may have followed us into adulthood. Teachings such as developing confidence, your communication skills or even your creativity. As a franchisee you could make a real difference to children’s lives, passing on key skills and a passion for drama. As a company, Drama Kids subscribes to the ‘development through theatre’ philosophy, which promotes theatre courses as a means of helping kids express themselves and gain self-confidence. You will create both a brighter future for your students and the future of the performing arts sector.

Take the centre stage

No matter where you have worked before, the skills you have gained in the workplace will help propel your academy to greatness. Although you will need a passion for drama, head office support will expand your expertise whether that be in teaching skills or business development techniques. You will explore what it is like to run your own business, with guaranteed support in all aspects of the teaching, marketing, and administration of the programme. With Drama Kids you get to be the master of your own academy – acting as a principal without ever needing extensive experience.

Drama Kids classes are about so much more than teaching our students how to act, we also encourage a sense of enthusiasm, help build their social interaction and verbal communication, as well as instil in our students a confidence that they can achieve whatever they put their minds to.

This article comes courtesy of Drama Kids

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