Döner Shack announce partnerships with five local mental health charities

Co-founder of fast-emerging franchise explains why this is a topic close to his heart.

Döner Shack announce partnerships with five local mental health charities

Döner Shack has become the latest company to address the issues of mental health and well-being. The Glasgow-based franchise has joined forces with five UK charities to launch its new well-being campaign, with the aim of raising awareness and support for mental health.

The evolving brand made this announcement last month, and is committed to driving positive change in the community. To support its campaign, Döner Shack is giving out printed postcards with every order, whether they be sit-in, take-away or delivery. Each postcard will display information about local mental health charities, along with QR codes that link to their respective websites.

There will also be QR codes that link to online support centres which help people who are struggling with mental health issues. There will be additional links available for customers who would like to donate and support the work of one or more of these five charities.

Mental health awareness is a subject close to the heart of Sanjeev Sanghera, who is a co-founder and managing director of Döner Shack. Sanjeev, who has experienced his own personal challenges, felt there was a lack of support for mental health problems.

He said: “When I was younger and starting out, I really struggled with the direction of what I wanted to do. I was battling with my mental health and battling with depression. But my mentality was simply to keep going and keep working. When I was younger there wasn’t enough support out there.

“But I always kept a strong belief that as long as I worked hard, and believed in myself, I would eventually make it. Never let anyone tell you that your dreams are too big. Even if one extra person is able to ask for help because of this campaign, it will have been worthwhile. We need to improve the understanding of mental illness, reduce the stigma around mental health, and increase access to help for those who need it.

“By joining forces with these local charities, we hope to continue the vital work fighting for good mental health. We are determined to make a difference. These postcards are just one way in which Döner Shack is looking to support the cause. We are committed to continuing our efforts to promote mental well-being in the future.”

The idea for the postcards had been inspired by a recent collaboration between Döner Shack and the mental health advocate Max Selwood. Max is a digital content creator who has amassed a large online following. In videos he can be seen approaching strangers who he gives handwritten notes that contain positive messages.

Döner Shack, which is a Berlin-inspired street-food franchise, has partnered with a different mental health charity in a number of locations. These include: Shout (London), MindtheMen (Glasgow), Life Links (Leicester) and Mind (Leeds and Manchester).

A spokesperson for Manchester Mind commented: “We have been supporting better mental health for the people of Manchester for over 30 years. We offer a range of services for adults and young people. We are delighted that Döner Shack has organised a wellbeing campaign.

“For anyone who is struggling in our region, we would encourage them to visit the Manchester Mind online self-care hub for information and to access support.” Click here to watch an interview involving Sanjeev and Max Selwood.

Döner Shack was founded in 2019, with Glasgow-based businessman Sanjeev Sanghera becoming managing director. Two years earlier he had co-founded Döner Haus in Glasgow. Over the past 25 years he has gained valuable experience in the hospitality trade, working as a kitchen porter, executive chef and head of restaurant operations. He is now a leading international entrepreneur, with business connections in North America Europe and the Middle East.

Andy Swales
Andy Swales