The Fruit And Veg Chronicles: A tale of resilience, growth, and laughter

When Covid-19 first swept across the world, I found myself in an unexpected situation—relaxing at home, collecting 80% of my wages while my heroic wife tirelessly served in the NHS

Fruit & Veg Man

Initially, this enforced downtime felt like a welcomed break. With stay-at-home orders in place, I indulged in FIFA marathons under the warm glow of sunlight streaming through the window. Yet, as weeks turned into months, the novelty wore off. What began as a leisurely hiatus soon morphed into a suffocating routine.

Accustomed to an active lifestyle, the confinement indoors began to take a toll on my mental well-being. I longed for the freedom of outdoor adventures and fresh air. Inspired by the need to be out and about legally, I contemplated my options. While many chose delivery jobs for a company named after a Brazilian forest, I opted for a different path—I launched my own fruit and veg business.

Very soon, in a land not so far away (London), I found myself knee-deep in oranges and broccoli, embarking on a journey that I never quite expected. Fast forward four years, and against all odds, we’ve grown to become the largest franchise of our kind. The journey has been nothing short of remarkable, transforming our business into a whimsical blend of commerce and comedy, with a dash of collaborative brilliance.

It all begins at the crack of dawn. The alarm clock buzzes with all the enthusiasm of a caffeinated rooster, dragging me out of bed. I don my slick Fruit and Veg Man uniform, making me look like a fruit ninja. (We wisely decided against the idea of a mandatory banana bow tie) With a quick check in the mirror to ensure I look the part, I set off in our now iconic wrapped van, armed with a smile and an attitude full of gratitude.

Once the van, my trusty steed is packed to the brim with the freshest fruits and vegetables (picked up from our suppliers) we then go on to deliver them to our amazing customers. Unloading the van is like a game of Jenga, but instead of wooden blocks, it’s watermelons and crates of apples. One wrong move and you’re buried under an avalanche of produce. It’s a workout and a comedy routine rolled into one, with neighbours often gathering to watch the spectacle, phones at the ready to capture the next viral fail video. 


The Fruit and Veg Man franchisee also conquers suburban obstacles with his packed van of freshness. From navigating garden gnomes to charming guard dogs with bananas, we bring joy and nutrition to doorsteps. His neatly dressed uniform and smiles are symbols of his mission to deliver health and hilarity, even amidst van Jenga shenanigans and cryptic delivery instructions. Our deliveries aren’t just about groceries; it’s about spreading smiles and making each delivery consistent in quality and service

If we are not delivering to our corporate customers, our office fruit boxes or our residential customers then we are setting up at our market stalls.

Being part of The Fruit and Veg Man means you’ll often engage with a delightful cast of characters at the market stall. (All names are not their real names) There’s Mrs. Jenkins, who insists on squeezing every avocado like she’s auditioning for a hand model gig. Then there’s Mr. Thompson, who loves to share his conspiracy theories about genetically modified carrots—“They’re out to get us, you know!” My all-time favourite is old-timer Mrs Clarkson, who earnestly asks, “Are these bananas British?” and loves using the word “coloured” (and not when describing fruit and veg). 

Every day is a new episode in this sitcom of fresh produce and quirky customers.

The Great Price Debate: Bananas for a Bargain

One of the most entertaining parts of the job is the great price debate. Every day, without fail, someone tries to haggle over the cost of bananas. “Five for a pound? I can get them cheaper at the supermarket!” they declare, as if negotiating a peace treaty. I’ve learned to respond with a straight face, “Well, our bananas come with a free joke!” (I had my first date last night. Such an underrated fruit!) 

They usually leave with a smile and a bunch of bananas.

Carrot Cam: And now, for the tomato clock news.

We often use “Carrot cam” to talk about the day’s most pressing issues. Such as – What does an avocado identify as? A fruit or a vegetable? Or what are people’s views on the frog spawn looking substance in a Colombian Grenadilla?

The Grand Finale: Veggie Hero

Our growth since establishment has been nothing short of remarkable. We’ve raised thousands of pounds for local hospices, showcasing our commitment to community welfare. Each franchise operates with a unique blend of independence and teamwork, fostering an incredible culture of collaboration. Impressively, every franchisee has recouped their initial investment within just three months, a testament to our thriving business model and collective effort.

At the end of the day, being a Fruit and Veg Man franchisee is about more than just selling produce. It’s about bringing a little joy and a lot of laughter to the community. Whether it’s trying to convince parents and children that lychees are dragons eggs,  cracking date jokes, or the news headlines on carrot cam, every day is a fresh adventure.

So here’s to the unsung heroes of the produce world, the Fruit and Veg Men (and Women) who keep our kitchens stocked and our hearts light. May your avocados always be perfectly ripe, your cucumbers always crunchy, and your days filled with laughter. Because in the end, it’s not just about the fruits and veggies—it’s about the people, the stories, and the joy of being part of this wonderfully franchised world.

This article is brought to you by Sanjay Roy, Franchisor at The Fruit and Veg Man LTD.

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