Travel franchise increases training trips overseas

The Travel Franchise has announced that every one of its franchisees will get the opportunity to experience one of its overseas trips.

Travel franchise increases training trips overseas

Every franchisee, which operates under TTF’s customer facing brand Not Just Travel, will be invited to attend its Millionaire’s Retreat (previously held online as a webinar during the pandemic).

Hosted by one or both co-founders, Paul Harrison and Steve Witt, the trips often include other experts or franchisees who are high achievers. The idea is that not only will travel consultants have the chance to experience a hotel, resort or destination offered by a key partner, but they will also benefit from seminars, mentoring and business development training while in resort.

Says Harrisson: “The trips are similar to what’s known as ‘fam’ trips or ‘educationals’ in the trade. However, they go one step further because we organise group seminars and one-to-ones with our business owners to help them take their business to the next level.”

NJT consultant Mark McCardie says the Millionaire’s Retreat was an integral part to the success of his and his wife’s travel consultancy, Rock My World, which has taken over £7m in bookings.

Says Mark: “The millionaires retreat was a game changer for our business, it laid out in simple terms the path to success and since we adopted that approach, we have never looked back!”

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