Flexible franchising – having a career that fits!

While some people love working to a set weekly routine, many dream of a career which is more flexible and which is adaptable to their own personal circumstances.

Flexible franchising – having a career that fits!

Owning a franchise can offer that flexibility in a way that neither flexible working for an organisation or building your own small business can achieve.

Here are four reasons why choosing the right franchise, might be the next best thing you do:

A valuable business runs on valuable time

As a franchise owner (so long as you are meeting the terms of your franchise agreement) how many hours you work is up to you. Work more and you will likely earn more, but ultimately, that is your choice. 

Setting your own working pattern

Running a business is a full-time job but as a franchise owner, you can often decide when and where you work. That is quite different to the flexible working offered by many companies where a culture has evolved of immediate and constant availability throughout the working day, driving anxiety and stress.

The flexibility to choose when they work, is one of the things that our franchisees love most about the career they’ve chosen with Monkey Music. For some, it enables them to balance family commitments with a rewarding job; others are simply happier and healthier now they have control over what they do and when they do it. Why not go to the gym when it’s quietest and then do the admin in the car while the kids are at football practice? 

Working on your terms

Many of our franchisees say that they work harder now that they own their own business than they ever did previously. However, they follow that up with words to the effect of “It doesn’t matter because I enjoy it” or “but it’s on my terms” or “It doesn’t feel like work”.

Part of the reason “it doesn’t feel like work” is the satisfaction that comes from building their own business and the fact that they are the primary beneficiary of their efforts. However, it also reflects the fact that their career can play second fiddle (forgive the music pun) to the rest of their lives when appropriate. ‘How’, ‘when’ and even ‘whether’ the work gets done is up to them so it feels less like an obligation or a chore. You need never miss a school nativity or play, or a run with friends or an important personal appointment again.  Managing your time positively for you personally, and your business, is in your control.

Autonomy with support 

Some of you will be thinking that all the above points can also be true of setting up your own small business from scratch. They can, but a well-chosen franchise comes with a proven business model and significant head office support and training as well as a network of fellow franchisees proactively sharing best practice.

For example, not only do we share nearly 30 years of tried and tested business expertise with our franchisees, the Monkey Music Head Office Support Team provides franchisees with initial and ongoing training, an established brand identity, a website, a great product and service, established contracts, centralised marketing support etc. The result is that compared with setting up a business from scratch, not only is the business low risk but franchisees have more time to invest in delivering classes, attracting customers, spending time with their families or pursuing other interests.

The true benefits of franchise flexibility

I’m not going to pretend that running a successful franchise is easy – it’s still a full-time commitment and there is always something new to learn as the world of business is constantly changing.  However, if you are looking for a job that enables you to enjoy quality time with your family more often, for longer or at specific times; you want to avoid the stress of packed commuter trains and peak fares; or you simply feel that a different working pattern will make you happier or healthier, then why not investigate franchises that enable franchisees to build work around their lives?

This article comes courtesy of Monkey Music a leading light in premium pre-school music education, offering a 4-stage age-specific curricula for babies and young children from 3 months – 4 years old in the UK.  All franchisees are provided with an extensive teaching and business training programme.

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