Turn your vision into reality in 2024

Do you have a vision for the next 12 months? A grand plan of where you want your franchise to be by next Christmas?

vision board

Entrepreneur and franchise consultant Rebecca Newenham discusses transforming great ideas into practical achievements this year.

Do you have a vision for the next 12 months? A grand plan of where you want your franchise to be by next Christmas? It’s great to have ambition, but like any New Year’s resolution, it’s easy to find yourself distracted or off track. Planning and preparation can ensure that your dreams become a reality this year.

First up, make it visual

Have you ever created a vision board? They are a brilliant way of getting your great ideas down on paper. This is a helpful exercise in itself, as it makes you really think about what success looks like. Once the exercise is complete, your board becomes a visible prompt to keep you on track with what you are trying to achieve.

Vision boards can be completed on cardboard, using printed images, or you can cut pieces out of magazines. You can also create them digitally using Canva, PowerPoint, or similar tools. The important thing is to think about what your vision looks like and find images to represent that. Don’t forget your emotions – how will you feel if you have achieved your vision?

Positive pictures of success can give you a motivational boost, especially if things aren’t going to plan during the year. I complete a vision board every year, and it’s always an energising experience. Having it displayed on my office wall throughout the year is a powerful visual reminder about the bigger picture.

Second, turn it into a plan

Having a big, scary, audacious goal is excellent. But you’ll only achieve it if you break it down into smaller steps. How will you achieve it? What will it take to get you there? Who might you need help from along the way? What stages will you need to complete, and when? Make your plan smart – measurable and actionable.

Planning makes your vision more realistic. It helps you identify potential blocks to success and make plans to address these blockages. It also makes your vision more real and more practical. Breaking it down into achievable chunks enables you to celebrate success along the way. This will motivate you to push on and achieve more, as you can see how far you’ve already progressed.

Thirdly, make yourself accountable

It’s easy to say you’ll do something – to have ideas and aspirations. But having to answer to someone – and admit it if you haven’t is a different story. Checking in with someone regularly can ensure you deliver what you plan to achieve. It could be a  business coach or mentor. It could be a fellow business owner, a partner – or even yourself. The critical thing is to book regular reviews in advance – monthly or quarterly, to see how you are progressing.

Make sure you are honest in the meetings. It’s perfectly okay to be off track if unexpected issues arise. You may even need to rewrite the vision. Being honest with yourself and recognising both successes and failures will enable you to move forward.

Whatever your vision is, following these simple, practical steps can help you deliver it. Be proud of your vision and share it with others. Make 2024 a year of action that provides tangible success for your franchise.

Rebecca Newenham
Rebecca Newenham