Why championing diversity spells success for your franchise

Diversity in the workplace is a necessity when enhancing a successful, modern franchise offering.

Why championing diversity spells success for your franchise

Diversity in the workplace is a necessity when enhancing a successful, modern franchise offering. The evidence that supports its value is undeniable, with research showing that having a diverse workforce creates a happier and healthier work environment while equally making customers feel more respected. In fact, the same research indicates that, as diverse companies have greater access to talent and unique skillsets, they have a staggering 19% higher innovation revenue1. Here, Frank Milner, the President of Tutor Doctor, discusses why championing diversity of all types spells success for today’s most progressive franchise offerings.

Celebrating our differences within a franchise network helps us realise anyone can be successful regardless of age, sexuality, race, gender, ethnicity and more, and everyone has the ability – and right – to offer something of value that’s unique to them. Whether franchisor, franchisee or a vital member of the team that contributes to a franchise operation, diversity should be worn as a badge of honour. But the definition of diversity doesn’t end at celebrating our visible (and invisible) differences. Increasingly, it’s becoming impossible for franchisors to dispute the value of a network that equally champions neurodiversity. Approximately 20% of the whole population is neurodiverse2, and 1 in 20 adults have been diagnosed with ADHD with that number increasing since the pandemic3, so it’s fair to assume neurodiversity is already present within most franchise networks. With ADHD Month now behind us, it’s an ideal opportunity to reflect on what this teaches us in the franchise industry and why celebrating neurodiversity doesn’t start and end with an awareness date.

According to the Harvard Medical School, “Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one ‘right’ way of thinking and learning, and differences are not viewed as deficits.” It is these words of incredible wisdom that ring true to how we should approach operations within the franchise industry. Whether a franchise is starting from the ground up or a franchisor is taking important steps towards revitalising their offering, we should always be prepared to rethink what we define as the ‘right’ approach. Take Tutor Doctor for example; in the same vein as students, no two franchisees are the same and because of this, there are always opportunities for us to learn and celebrate what diversity can offer our network. We all think and interact with the world and our respective environments differently – if we didn’t, no industry would ever move forward.

A neurodiverse network is a superpower in today’s stimulating, inspiring and creative world. Research shows that employees with ADHD are more curious, creative, imaginative and innovative4. And when aligning these characteristics with prospects, doesn’t it sound like the makings of a franchise network that would be music to a franchisor’s ears? For so long, the franchise industry has been criticised for limiting the creative and entrepreneurial output franchisees are given. But more than ever, franchisors are crying out for those prepared to operate within the parameters of a brand but are not scared to take the lead and inject their own inspiration into the franchise’s development.

In a society that rightly encourages us to embrace our differences, it’s impossible for the franchise world to suggest otherwise – especially in an industry that is built on championing individuality. It is this understanding of nurturing and celebrating differences that is the distinction between a successful and unsuccessful franchise in 2022. More than ever, franchisees are driven by the prospect of putting their own stamp on a business that operates in a vast network – and it is these many individual ‘stamps’ that hugely benefit the wider operations of a franchise.

Franchisors are no longer asking why championing diversity spells success for their franchise model, but what more they can be doing to put it at the forefront of their brand. Diversity has never been a more important aspect to demonstrating a franchise brand’s relevance in today’s world. But with stigma over the differences in how we think continuing to diminish, the calls to celebrate and nurture neurodiversity in the workplace have never been louder. Seeing people forge success from their differences drives the education industry forward, and it is the ideal time for the franchise industry to follow suit. To learn more about ADHD from Tutor Doctor’s Education Experience Specialist, Becky Ward, please visit https:/www.tutordoctor.com/blog/2022/september/towards-a-deeper-understanding-of-adhd/

1Bernard Tynes, 2022, The Importance Of Diversity And Inclusion For Today’s Companies

2Antonia Bowring, 2022, Celebrating ADHD In The Workplace

3Ben Sherry, 2022, Do You Support Your Workers With ADHD? Here’s How You Can

4CHADD, 2022, ADHD Benefits in the Workplace

Frank Milner
Frank Milner