Fusing performing arts and franchise potential for young people through work experience

In the ever-evolving job market, young people are constantly searching for innovative career opportunities that will shape their futures

Fusing performing arts and franchise potential for young people through work experience

Franchising, through ownership or employment, offers an exciting pathway for them to explore. While many young people may have heard of franchising, they often lack a comprehensive understanding of its intricacies. Work placements, which offer hands-on experience within a franchise, provide invaluable insights into the inner workings of the business format franchising model.

Understanding the potential of this business model early on can significantly impact the career prospects of students, preparing them for success in the job market. Andy Knights, the CEO of Stagecoach Performing Arts, sheds light on the importance of introducing young minds to the world of franchising and the pivotal role employers play in providing valuable work experience.

At Stagecoach, we have initiated a work experience programme that has already welcomed three enthusiastic participants this year – including two Stagecoach students. Eva, a Stagecoach Godalming student, was one of the young people who undertook work experience at Head Office. During her placement, Eva had the unique opportunity to engage with various teams including education, events, HR, franchise recruitment and marketing.

“I’ve been a Stagecoach student for 11 years, driven by my love for the performing arts,” said Eva. “I decided to do my work experience at Head Office to gain insight into what happens behind the scenes, beyond the performances. I’d heard about franchising before but never truly grasped its meaning until I got this hands-on experience. Now, having spent time here, I’ve gained a clearer picture of how the franchising system works, connecting the dots between the business aspects and the creative magic that happens on stage.”

Considering the outgoing nature of many of our students, it comes as no surprise that departments like Events Management and Marketing became clear favourites at Head Office. “If I were to work in a Stagecoach school, I think I’d like to be a drama or singing teacher for Further and Main Stages students,” explained Chelsea, work experience placement and student at Stagecoach Farnham. “However, after getting a glimpse of how the specific teams handle marketing and events management, I’m intrigued by the idea of working in a Head Office setting.”

Many of our students go on to become teachers, managers and even Principals. Frequently, their own children will subsequently become Stagecoach students. This transition from student to Principal is as testament to how we not only cultivate performing arts skills in our students but also demonstrate the potential of our franchise opportunity as a viable career path.

Catherine Tracey, now a franchisee at Stagecoach Horsham, is one alumni who has undergone this transformative journey. Her path began by enjoying the engaging classes during her teenage years, and later, as a teacher, she had the privilege of observing the proven business model that provides invaluable support to Stagecoach Principals. 

“When I looked into taking my love of teaching to the next level, I considered starting up my own business or investing in other brands that offer similar opportunities,” said Catherine. “Stagecoach was the only one I pursued because after looking at all my options, it was clear that it was the most solid and reliable. I also knew other franchisees who were making a living from it, so I knew it was possible. It’s also so popular! Stagecoach has so much history, and there will always be an appetite for activities that develop children’s confidence. I knew my business would stand the test of time.”

By providing work experience placements and showcasing the journeys of students who have become successful teachers, managers and Principals, Stagecoach is inspiring young people to explore franchising as a viable career option. Our goal is to offer valuable hands-on experience and share the success stories of our former students to help others understand the benefits and opportunities of franchising. Through bridging the gap between education and entrepreneurship, we aim to cultivate a new generation of aspiring franchisees and Principals who are ready to thrive in this dynamic industry.

Andy Knights
Andy Knights