Building a Family within your Business

Starting up a business is hard work, but it is a lot easier if you have a clear set of business values you stick to.

Building a Family within your Business

Starting up a business is hard work, but it is a lot easier if you have a clear set of business values you stick to. This makes recruiting the right staff and running the business day-to-day much easier as you only ever have to deal with people who understand your vision and the way you think.

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier” Roy E. Disney 

For us ‘family comes first’ is a guiding value. I have worked in companies before where I have not been valued and I know how that feels and I never wanted that for our business. Historically, cleaners have not always been treated well by their employers or by the clients they work for, and we believe cleaning is a valuable career – not just a minimum wage job. When people work for us, they are part of our family – they can take ownership of their work, and they have a part to play in a team. We reward excellent behaviour and work. If we get great feedback from one of our clients, the staff that work on that project are rewarded. We want people to grow with us, to have enjoyment in their work and to become confident team members and team leaders. 

By staff becoming part of our family we know that they have the benefit of being part of a supportive team and this will also show in the quality of their work so our clients benefit from our family values too.

Most businesses have a set of values set out and my tips are to look at these closely and discover how each of these values fits in to the running of the business. Make sure these values make sense to you and align with your personal values. Live by these values in your daily life and let them be part of your routines. In this way it is not difficult to find others who fit in with your business and culture.  

Gareth Sanders
Gareth Sanders