A franchise that shines all year round: debunking the seasonal myth of children’s franchises

Contrary to popular belief, the summer months are not a period of stagnation for children’s franchise brands – they represent an invaluable opportunity for innovation and growth

A franchise that shines all year round

There is a widely perpetuated misconception that children’s franchise brands encounter a seasonal downturn, especially when the summer sun beckons. But, contrary to popular belief, the summer months are not a period of stagnation for children’s franchise brands – they represent an invaluable opportunity for innovation and growth. Rather than succumbing to the myth of a seasonal slump, forward-thinking franchisors and franchisees are harnessing the unique dynamics of summertime to elevate their brands to new heights of success.

Here, CEO of Stagecoach Performing Arts Andy Knights aims to shift the narrative from seasonal limitations to year-round opportunities and reshape how prospective franchisees perceive the children’s franchise market.

A season of opportunity

The belief that children’s franchise brands suffer a seasonal slump stems from a surface-level understanding of the market dynamics. While some industries indeed see fluctuations due to seasonal demands, the children’s franchise sector operates differently.

Contrary to common assumptions, the summer break does not spell doom for these franchises. Instead, it presents a prime opportunity to engage with families seeking enriching activities for their children. Offering avenues for children to access services during the summer not only aids in retaining students during the break but also plays a crucial role in fortifying the relationship between franchisees and their customers.

By organising enriching and enjoyable activities during the summer, children’s franchises can demonstrate their dedication to providing ongoing educational support even beyond the regular academic year.

Ensuring year-round success

As parents scramble to find engaging activities for their children to fill those long summer days, children’s franchises stand ready to be the heroes of the season. But the offerings during summer holidays are not just about keeping kids entertained – they are an effective platform for showcasing your teaching skills and inventive approaches. With each workshop or activity you host, you are not just winning over parents but also planting seeds of trust and confidence in your services.

Come autumn, when children head back to school, parents who have witnessed the effectiveness of your summer workshops are more likely to think of enrolling their children in your year-round programmes. Think of the summer as a time to make strategic marketing moves, showcasing your franchise’s capabilities and stirring up excitement among parents, leading to a future filled with continued enrolment.

Moreover, by implementing admission fees, you can soften the impact of income fluctuations during regular membership pauses. And if these workshops become favourites among children, they can evolve into profitable standalone ventures – injecting additional funds into your franchise’s plans for expansion, enhanced facilities or new programmes – bolstering your reputation and attracting even more enthusiastic customers in the future.

A business model for every season

There is no downtime for Stagecoach in summer – it is a chance to shine even brighter! As families seek enriching activities for their children during the break, we excel in providing valuable experiences that transcend seasons. Our business model empowers franchisees to host workshops and shows outside of term times, ensuring their businesses remain fruitful year-round.

By tapping into the demand for engaging and educational summer activities, franchisees can broaden their service offerings. This turns the holidays into a lucrative opportunity, enhancing financial sustainability while delivering high-quality educational experiences. By embracing the unique opportunities of summertime, children’s franchises like Stagecoach are rewriting the narrative – proving that success knows no season.

To find out more about franchise opportunities with Stagecoach Performing Arts, visit www.stagecoachfranchise.com

Andy Knights
Andy Knights