How can your franchise help reduce it’s carbon footprint?

Everyone is doing their bit to help the environment. Global warming has accelerated at a much faster rate than anticipated, which has turned heads toward big business. How can they reduce their carbon footprint?

How can your franchise help reduce it’s carbon footprint?

Everyone is doing their bit to help the environment. Global warming has accelerated at a much faster rate than anticipated, which has turned heads toward big business. How can they reduce their carbon footprint?

There are plenty of ways to become more eco-friendly in modern times, but the most crucial step to take is recycling all of your re-usable materials. However, there is such a mix of materials coming through your door. How are you supposed to know what can be recycled and what materials cannot? Luckily this article has got you covered.

Plastic resin codes

Every piece of plastic should come with a resin code. This code should contain a single number encircled by three arrows. If this number is between one and seven, then the plastic is recyclable. 

Local councils

It is widely assumed that most pieces of cardboard, paper, tin and glass can be recycled using the traditional method. However, some of these materials are mixed in with other non-recyclable materials; and therefore will not be accepted by the proper authorities. 

In cases such as this, you are better off checking in with your local council. They will have a comprehensive list of recyclable materials that they can share with you. For instance, glass is generally accepted as a recyclable material. However, some glass objects, like light bulbs and windshields contain materials that prevent them from begin recycled.


A big selling point for many companies at the moment is claiming that their products are environmentally friendly and can be recycled. This means that they are bound by law to actually provide the things that they advertise.

For example, Polythene UK is a large distributor of eco-friendly polythene packaging. This provider claims that the sustainable polythene in their eco-friendly bags can be recycled. This statement must be true otherwise they can face being penalised by the advertising authority. Therefore, you can bet that they are a reliable provider of recycled polythene and eco-friendly polythene.

This sentiment stretches to cover all companies that use recycling as an advertising tool.

Electrical goods and PAT testing

Electrical goods are a bit harder to quantify when it comes to recyclable materials. Some of the goods inside the object, such as the plastic and batteries, are of use. However, there could be a lot of other material inside that is non-recyclable.

It is often left to personal judgement when deciding if these items can be recycled, although there is an easier way. Every local dump or junkyard will have a department for electrical waste. Place these items here to be tested by the staff. 

The electrical items will be Pat tested for safety reasons. This test will determine whether the object is safe enough to be used by another party. Also, the staff can disassemble the item to find any of the recyclable goods inside. Sometimes a large chunk of plastic can be salvaged, other times the whole appliance can be repurposed. 


With this advice, there are no longer any excuses for not recycling the proper materials. Help is out there if you look for it, especially since everyone is working together to ensure a brighter future for our planet.

Zoe Price
Zoe Price