HELP! I have no quality leads coming through!

Many in franchise recruitment share the same frustrations and challenges: "Where are the leads?" Paul Clegg from Coconut Marketing explains one of the reasons things may be quieter than normal.

HELP! I have no quality leads coming through!

From many corners of franchising, we’re hearing the same question reverberating from those in recruitment: “Where are my leads?” The reason I wanted to focus on this now, as we’re halfway through 2023, is two-fold. I want to explain what we’re seeing, and I want to bring reassurance to those of you who have this question bouncing repeatedly around your head when you should be sleeping. But first of all: it’s not you. 

So, what is it?!

If we look back on the last twelve months, the UK has seen major economic challenges which have wreaked havoc on people; causing so much uncertainty, with many hitting “pause” on their personal dreams. The cost-of-living crisis being the main culprit, as people feel afraid of making changes to their future more than the reasons behind wanting a change. 

I’ve seen this in conversations I’ve had with people outside work, as well as with clients and others within franchising. There has been a slowdown in franchise recruitment, with the prices of everything shooting up, and savings being delved into, in order to make ends meet. Uncertainty, is a real break on franchise recruitment.

How do I know this?

One of the main ways in which we can gain insight into what’s happening, at Coconut, is through Google. As a Google Partner, we understand how Google is more than a search engine, or a means of advertising your franchise opportunity. It offers an insight into how people are feeling within the UK, through trends which impact our industry.

So, as the following graph shows: People have just not searched for franchise opportunities.

Paul Clegg
Paul Clegg