The franchise recruitment webinar strategy that will change the game for your business

In this article I am going to share two simple principles of a recruitment webinar strategy that will change the game for your franchise recruitment

Franchise recruitment webinar strategy

I have lost count of the number of times that people have told me that I overshare. I always ensure that I am protecting the IP and real ‘secret sauce’ of the Football Fun Factory’s success, but it’s also good to share successful strategies with other passionate franchise brands as the franchise community has given me so much. 

I also believe that there’s a piece of the pie for everyone. So whilst some other so-called ‘competing brands’ may see this and people may question me sharing it, there’s enough business and custom to go round for everyone to be mega successful.

Finally, the last reason that I’m happy to share tips like those I’m about to is because most people read them and never put them into practice. If that one rubbed you up the wrong way, then go ahead and prove me wrong and let me know the success it brings you! Why will it bring you success? Well, because in this article I am going to share two simple principles of a recruitment webinar strategy that will change the game for your franchise recruitment.

These principles are based on holding franchise webinars and before we kick off, make sure it’s a big part of your strategy! Here’s 3 of 30 reasons why franchise recruitment webinars are a good idea:

1. Because it’s a light touch way to find out more.

2. Because those interested can get to know more about you and your brand.

3. Because you get to know who is really interested in your franchise proposition.

The first principle is insanely simple. When scheduling webinars you should run them on multiple days and times. List 2 or 3 options (but no more) for people to choose from, including two different times on the same day. For example, a lunch time and evening option. This way you catch more people and show that understand that people lead busy lives.

I can’t give the game away completely. After all, there’s a reason why Football Fun Factory is on track to award 100 franchises within five years. There’s some serious method in our madness! 

But what I am willing to share is the second principle – A tried and tested email schedule. You should send the below emails when you schedule two webinars on the same day, at different times. So here you go, here’s an email schedule that is designed to maximise attendance, based on two webinars at 12:30 and 6:00pm (wink, wink, nudge, nudge!):

1. Reminder email sent to those registered for 12:30pm on the day of the webinar – Recommended send time: Mid-morning.

2. Follow up email sent to all those registered for 12:30pm, who did not attend – recommended send time: Immediately following the webinar.

3. Reminder email sent to those registered for 6:00pm on the day of the webinar – Recommended send time: Mid-afternoon.

4. Follow up email sent to all non-attendees (be careful to check that they didn’t re-register for another webinar) – Recommended send time: Immediately following last webinar of the day. 

5. Follow up email sent to all those that attended, straight after each webinar.

As far as writing compelling copy that influences the recipient to attend or book a discovery meeting, well as I said, I can’t give the game away. But you’re more than capable of coming up with that.

There’s also loads of science that goes into promoting the webinars to maximise registrations. That’s for another day too.

Good luck and be sure to let me know how you get on.

James Cutting
James Cutting