The inside story of how spinning a great yarn can up your marketing game

Getting your head around how to tell the right stories can help ensure that word spreads about your franchise

The inside story of how spinning a great yarn can up your marketing game

Think about the last great book you read or film you watched. You went on a journey with the hero or heroine of the tale and walked in their shoes as they saved the world, won the girl or boy, earned their freedom or learned life lessons. You followed their arc, overcame challenges with them, felt their pain and anguish and triumphed in their ultimate glory. You were transported to their world, saw through their eyes and were qinexorably drawn in.
A well-written story gets people to part with just a few hours of their existence in exchange for escape to a fictional world. But as a franchisor, you’re asking people to trust you with their lives, their future and their families’ happiness: sometimes literally everything they have. You think they’re going to do that without you showing them that their leap into the unknown can have a happy ending?

Stories are at the heart of successful marketing and franchisors hold a powerful advantage over their non-franchised counterparts: their franchisees. It’s their tales that make your opportunity unique compared to the hundreds of other businesses vying for the attention of potential investors. They are the hook that creates an emotional connection and elicits that most precious of feelings: ‘I could do that’.

Yes, the support and systems you offer are central to success. But the benefits you provide aren’t the story – they’re just one chapter of it, part of the narrative that helps our hero escape the humdrum, overcome the obstacles and ultimately triumph. Because the hero isn’t you or your business: it’s your prospect. Take them on a journey through the eyes of your current franchisees the way the best authors and directors do and you’ll invoke the spark they’re looking for.

Thanks to the internet, people increasingly seek the views of others before making a decision. Last time you booked a holiday, bought a car or even went to the cinema, you looked at what other people had to say about it. Nobody stays in a hotel anymore without checking TripAdvisor first. The ubiquity of reviews from Amazon to Trustpilot and everything in between is part of modern life. So why do franchisors think it’s any different when it comes to their marketing? There’s no excuse for trying to convince a buyer to part with their money without showing what the franchise has done for others just like them.

Paul Stafford
Paul Stafford