BabyBallers to score big in 2022

Now is the perfect time for franchises to reflect on last year's successes.

BabyBallers to score big in 2022

Now is the perfect time for franchises to reflect on last year’s successes. For BabyBallers in particular, there have been many. Not only has the multi-skill football franchise announced the launch of 40 clubs throughout Belgium, but it has also confirmed plans to launch in Australia having grown rapidly to 60 clubs in the UK since its launch in 2016.

Operating in the heart of communities across the UK, BabyBallers offers classes for children aged from 16 months to five years old. Helping children learn through play, its football and child development sporting activities allows them to develop knowledge and understanding of shapes, colours and teamwork through football. This year the franchise enlarged its UK network with 13 new franchisees, taking the total to 20. 

With BabyBallers also achieving international success this year, it is clear the franchise is doing something right when it comes to expanding further afield. “This year, BabyBallers have proved that if you get your model right, franchising has the power to grow a brand at an incredible rate, not just here in the UK, but globally,” said Rich Elms, the MD and Founder of BabyBallers. “Despite all the challenges we have had to endure over the past 18 months, we have continued to grow our franchise with 13 new franchisees joining our network. This success has been replicated in Belgium and this is a real testament to the hard work of everyone in head office.” 

Throughout 2021 services like BabyBallers have proved to be vital in allowing an outlet for children to socialise and develop, especially for those born right at the start of lockdown. BabyBallers aims to provide a positive and structured solution for parents to help their children develop skills and friendships – something that has been missing from their lives over the past two years. And, with 2,915 children attending sessions in 2021, with 1,003 on waiting lists, it is clear to see the demand for BabyBallers.  

“At BabyBallers, we don’t just instruct children to kick a ball around cones and into a goal. Our sessions are structured to improve general dexterity and social confidence. The services we have provided our customers this year have been vital in offering an outlet for little ones to get out and meet new people,” said Rich. “Moving into 2022, we are looking to continue to inspire and develop the next generation. Children are socially interactive and how their psychological, emotional and social development unfolds largely depends on the nature of their early relationships. BabyBallers sessions provide a positive and structured solution for parents to help their children develop these skills. This is a serious business opportunity for those passionate about encouraging child development in their communities.”

Rich Elms
Rich Elms