The Stories You Tell Yourself; Why mindset is so important to business success.

When related to business success, mindset is the main factor that makes the difference between success and failure.

The Stories You Tell Yourself; Why mindset is so important to business success.

When related to business success, mindset is the main factor that makes the difference between success and failure. What you think about on a daily basis, has a direct link to your behavior and in times of uncertainty as we are going through this year, your mindset is more important than ever.

We all have days when maintaining a positive mindset is harder than others and these are my top tips for putting yourself into the strongest mental position possible.

Draw on your past experiences

It can be helpful to reflect on positive experiences in your past. This can help remind you that you have the strength to overcome complex situations, and these don’t need to be business related. One of those that I go back to regularly was my world record for marathon ironing. The fact that I completed this, frankly crazy, challenge gave me so much courage to go after starting the business I have today. If you are curious, take a look here: https:/

Of course, we do not need to break a Guinness World Record to have a positive past experience to draw on. It may be something you have done to help a friend or family member, you may have raised money for charity, or handled a tough business decision well. Sometimes looking back and noting how far you have come and what you have learned can help you build some positive energy.

Be open to learning

You may have heard of the term ‘growth mindset’. Psychologist Carol Dweck describes this well,

“Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset (those who believe their talents are innate gifts). This is because they worry less about looking smart, and they put more energy into learning.”

I believe that being open to learning is one of the strengths that successful business leaders need to cultivate. Personally, I love to learn and read, I am curious and ask questions, and I encourage the Sparkle Cleaning team to do the same. 

Welcome Challenge

Challenge is not something to be avoided, it can be the thing that gives you strength and confidence. Seeking out a challenge and stretching yourself are so important. But you need support to set the goals and actions you need to take to overcome the challenge. Perhaps you can find yourself a business coach or you may have a close friend who would help you. For me, my business coach helps me set stretching goals. He pushes me. But he is also there to support me and guide me through when I need it. The times we are in at the moment, with the global pandemic, are a challenge themselves. Having the right people to talk to, setting goals, and taking action are all important. 

Once your mindset is in place, the world seems a lot more manageable. Remember your mindset is linked to your habits and your environment. What habit should you start? What habit should you stop? Remove that within your environment which encourages procrastination and replace it with something that supports your growth. Make it easy for yourself. Start today.

Gareth Sanders
Gareth Sanders